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Recruit Obstacle Course



New Date: Friday, Sept 23. 2022

1 pm to 7 pm

The Recruit Obstacle Course will run throughout the afternoon. This is a great opportunity to congregate and walk the College grounds. Plan to arrive just after lunch to catch the whole thing. Remember – parking sucks at the College! Car pool if you can and be prepared to walk!

Recruit Obstacle Course: Schedule


Dress for the weather and for walking. It can get windy and chilly when you're watching and not running the obstacle course!


No cost! Just show up and enjoy the energy.


It's always fun to see who we bump into while walking around RMC during this first official event of the weekend.

Recruit Obstacle Course: List

Course à obstacles des recrues

Friday, Sept 16. 2022
1 pm to 7 pm

La course à obstacles des recrues se tiendra tout l’après-midi. Profitez-en pour vous retrouver et visiter le campus. Si vous désirez assister à toute la course, prévoyez arriver tout de suite après ledîner. Rappel : le stationnement au Collège est atroce! Privilégiez le covoiturage et soyez prêts à marcher!

Recruit Obstacle Course: Schedule
Recruit Obstacle Course: Text
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